What were the results of her actions?

Determination, experience, care, and many other qualities made Eleanor Roosevelt very successful in the results of her activism.  She helped to improve women's rights, conditions for workers in factories, international peace, and human rights.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an outline of the human rights all people in the world are granted.   Eleanor Roosevelt drafted the Universal Declaration of Rights in 1948 and ratified on the December 10, 1948, it has been translated into more than 30 languages since then.  Another way Eleanor Roosevelt helped improve human rights was when she was on Committee Three at the United Nations.  She was debating against the Soviet Union about whether people in Europe should be forced to go back to their homeland after World War Two.  Eleanor Roosevelt won the debate and helped choose the outcome of many people in Europe.
By writing in newspapers, she was able to get her point across about current topics ranging from the Cold War to television to multiple topics on the rights of women.  Here is an excerpt from the "My Day" column from August 5, 1939.  The topic is women and work:
"What good would it do to try to get someone else to stand by when you are about to have a baby? What good would it do to turn to anyone else if your husband drank and you had to try to collect his wages before they were all spent? A woman may use her womanly wiles to help her in tight spots, but she isn't trading on being a woman, she is just handling the job which is hers, and frequently it is the job of handling a man and making him think he isn't being handled."
By standing up for what she believed in, Eleanor Roosevelt gained enemies as well as friends, but she also gained admiration from people.  During the Great Depression, people named their children Eleanor, after the First Lady. Eleanor Roosevelt helped bring attention to the many problems in the world, tried and successfully solved them throughout her life.